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National Conference of Applications in Agriculture and Animal Science (NCAAA)-2024, 24 July 2024, with the theme "Increasing Millennial Agricultural Resources for Food Security" is one of the events in a series of activities commemorating the 6th Anniversary of Polbangtan Malang. The aim of holding this event is to raise awareness of the agricultural millennial generation regarding the country's food security. The cultivation of material is not only through assimilation and hearing, but is proven by the publication of proceedings that color the scientific knowledge of animal husbandry and agriculture.
Polbangtan Malang is one of the agricultural education institutions under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia. Polbangtan Malang has 3 study programs, namely Sustainable Agriculture Extension, Animal Husbandry and Animal Welfare Extension, and Animal Husbandry Agribusiness. In accordance with Tri Dharma, Polbangtan Malang has the aim of producing a young agricultural generation as the successors of agricultural businesses in the future. For your information, Indonesia is currently experiencing a crisis in the interest of the younger generation to become agricultural entrepreneurs. So, Polbangtan Malang plays a role in preparing resources for the younger generation for the sustainability of Indonesian food.
This seminar was attended by several presenters. Prof. Ir. Dedi Nur Syamsi, M. Agr as Acting Head of BPPSDM Ministry of Agriculture who acted as keynote speaker. He delivered material with the theme "farmer regeneration in utilizing the demographic bonus". Sugito, S.Sos., MH as Director General of PDKP and PDT of the Ministry of Rural Affairs with the theme "Support of the Ministry of Rural Affairs for Rural Food Security.". Dr. Andriyanto, SH., M.Kes as Person in Charge of the Regent of Pasuruan with the theme "Regional Government Strategy in Involving Young Farmers in Realizing Food Security"
Prosiding ini merupakan hasil seminar nasional di Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Malang yang akan diselenggarakan pada 24 Juli 2024, dengan tema "Meningkatkan Sumber Daya Pertanian Milenial untuk Ketahanan Pangan", merupakan salah satu rangkaian kegiatan dalam memperingati Hari Ulang Tahun ke-6 Polbangtan Malang. Tujuan dari acara ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kesadaran generasi milenial di bidang pertanian terkait ketahanan pangan nasional.
Polbangtan Malang adalah salah satu institusi pendidikan pertanian di bawah Kementerian Pertanian Republik Indonesia. Polbangtan Malang memiliki tiga program studi, yaitu Penyuluhan Pertanian Berkelanjutan, Penyuluhan Peternakan dan Kesejahteraan Hewan, serta Agribisnis Peternakan. Sesuai dengan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, Polbangtan Malang bertujuan menghasilkan generasi muda pertanian sebagai penerus usaha pertanian di masa depan. Saat ini, Indonesia menghadapi krisis minat generasi muda untuk menjadi wirausahawan di bidang pertanian. Oleh karena itu, Polbangtan Malang berperan dalam mempersiapkan sumber daya generasi muda untuk mendukung keberlanjutan ketahanan pangan Indonesia.
Seminar ini menghadirkan beberapa pembicara, di antaranya:
Prof. Ir. Dedi Nur Syamsi, M.Agr, yang menjabat sebagai Plt. Kepala BPPSDM Kementerian Pertanian, sebagai pembicara utama. Beliau menyampaikan materi dengan tema "Regenerasi Petani dalam Memanfaatkan Bonus Demografi".
Sugito, S.Sos., MH, selaku Direktur Jenderal PDKP dan PDT Kementerian Desa, yang menyampaikan tema "Dukungan Kementerian Desa untuk Ketahanan Pangan Pedesaan".
Dr. Andriyanto, SH., M.Kes, yang bertugas sebagai Penanggung Jawab Bupati Pasuruan, dengan tema "Strategi Pemerintah Daerah dalam Melibatkan Petani Muda untuk Mewujudkan Ketahanan Pangan".
Cetakan pertama, Desember 2024
ISBN : 978-623-93001-2-8
Spesifikasi Prosiding :
Ukuran : 21 x 29,7 cm (A4) potrait
Isi : vi, 530 halaman
Soft cover full colour
Isi hitam putih
National Conference of Applications in Agriculture and Animal Science (NCAAA)-2024, 24 July 2024, with the theme "Increasing Millennial Agricultural Resources for Food Security" is one of the events in a series of activities commemorating the 6th Anniversary of Polbangtan Malang. The aim of holding this event is to raise awareness of the agricultural millennial generation regarding the country's food security. The cultivation of material is not only through assimilation and hearing, but is proven by the publication of proceedings that color the scientific knowledge of animal husbandry and agriculture.
Polbangtan Malang is one of the agricultural education institutions under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia. Polbangtan Malang has 3 study programs, namely Sustainable Agriculture Extension, Animal Husbandry and Animal Welfare Extension, and Animal Husbandry Agribusiness. In accordance with Tri Dharma, Polbangtan Malang has the aim of producing a young agricultural generation as the successors of agricultural businesses in the future. For your information, Indonesia is currently experiencing a crisis in the interest of the younger generation to become agricultural entrepreneurs. So, Polbangtan Malang plays a role in preparing resources for the younger generation for the sustainability of Indonesian food.
This seminar was attended by several presenters. Prof. Ir. Dedi Nur Syamsi, M. Agr as Acting Head of BPPSDM Ministry of Agriculture who acted as keynote speaker. He delivered material with the theme "farmer regeneration in utilizing the demographic bonus". Sugito, S.Sos., MH as Director General of PDKP and PDT of the Ministry of Rural Affairs with the theme "Support of the Ministry of Rural Affairs for Rural Food Security.". Dr. Andriyanto, SH., M.Kes as Person in Charge of the Regent of Pasuruan with the theme "Regional Government Strategy in Involving Young Farmers in Realizing Food Security"