Dinamika Persaingan Sarang Burung Walet Indonesia di Pasar Internasional
Indonesia menjadi salah satu negara eksportir utama sarang burung walet dunia dengan
nilai ekspor dan potensi pasar yang tinggi. Terbukti sejak sepuluh tahun terkahir nilai
ekspor Indonesia cendrung meningkat mencapai 1.510 ton. Hal ini dikarenakan
permintaan luar negeri dan kebutuhan konsumsi dunia yang tinggi. Didasarkan hal
tersebut, maka tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis daya saing sarang burung walet
Indonesia di pasar Indonesia dan dinamika persaingan dengan negara-negara eksportir
sarang burung walet di dunia. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder komoditas
sarang burung walet dari Internasional Trademap dengan kode HS 041000 rentang tahun
2005-2021. Analisis yang digunakan menggunakan pendekatan RCA (Revealed
Comparative Advantage) dan DRCA (Dynamic Revealed Comparative Advantage).
Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan, didapatkan bahwa daya saing komoditas
sarang burung walet Indonesia berdaya saing yang kuat dan memiliki posisi yang strategis
serta keunggulan komparatif yang tinggi di pasar internasional. Namun, jika dianalisis
menggunakan pendekatan dinamika persaingan empat periode, pertumbuhan pangsa
pasar Indonesia lebih tinggi dibanding dengan eskportir lainnya pada tahun 2005-2009
dan 2013-2017 yang berstatus rising stars. Sedangkan lima tahun terkahir pertumbuhan
pangsa pasar Indonesia berada dalam kategori Lagging Opportunity yang bermakna
bahwa pertumbuhan pangsa pasar Indonesia belum mampu memenuhi pangsa pasar
Indonesia has become one of the world's major swallow nest exporting countries with
high high export value and market potential. Proven since ten years Indonesia's export
value tends to increase, reaching 1,510 tonnes. This is due to foreign demand and high
world consumption needs. Based on this, the purpose of this study is to analyse the
competitiveness of competitiveness of Indonesian swallow's nest in the Indonesian market
and the dynamics of competition with other swallow's nest exporting countries. swallow
nest exporting countries in the world. This study uses secondary data on swallow's nest
commodities from the International Trademap with HS code 041000 from 2005-2021.
The analysis used analysis used the RCA (Revealed Comparative Advantage) and DRCA
(Dynamic Revealed Comparative Advantage) approaches and DRCA (Dynamic Revealed
Comparative Advantage) approaches. Based on the results of analysis, it was found that
the competitiveness of Indonesian swallow nest commodities is competitive. Indonesia's
swallow's nest commodity has strong competitiveness and has a strategic position and
comparative advantage. Strategic position and high comparative advantage in the
international market. international market. However, when analysed using the four period competition dynamics approach, the dynamics approach, the growth of
Indonesia's market share is higher than that of other exporters in compared to other
exporters in 2005-2009 and 2013-2017, which have the status of rising stars. status of
rising stars. While the last five years of market share growth Indonesia's market share
growth is in the Lagging Opportunity category, which means that the growth of
Indonesia's market share has not been able to grow that Indonesia's market share growth
has not been able to fulfil the world's market share world market share.