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Prosiding dari SEMINAR NASIONAL "Membangun Sumber Daya Manusia untuk Kedaulatan Pangan” diselenggarakan oleh Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Malang tanggal 22 Juli 2023
Dewan Pengarah
Dr. Ir. Setya Budi Udrayana, S.Pt, M.Si., IPM
Dr. Ir. Novita Dewi K, S.Pt, M.Si., IPU
Dr. Hamyana, SST, M.Si
Dr. Ir. Andi Warnaen, SST, M.Ikom., IPM
Dr. Ir. Novita Dewi K, S.Pt, M.Si, IPU
Dr. Ir. Ugik Romadi, SST, M.Si
Dr. Dewi Ratih Ayu Daning, S.Pt, M.S
Nurlaili, S.Pt, M.Sc
Dr. Niken Rani W., SP., M.Si
Dr. Wahyu Windari, S.Pt, M.Sc (Jurusan Peternakan, Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Malang)
Ainu Rahmi, SP, MP (Jurusan Pertanian, Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Malang)
Dr. Sad Likah, S.Pt, M.P (Jurusan Peternakan, Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Malang)
Dr. Ugik Romadi, SST, M.Si (Jurusan Pertanian, Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Malang)
Dr. Budi Sawitri, SST, M.Si (Jurusan Pertanian, Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Malang)
Dr. Ferdianto Budi S, SP, MP (Jurusan Pertanian, Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Malang)
Drh. Intan Galuh P, M.Si (Jurusan Peternakan, Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Malang)
Yendri Junaidi, S.Pt, M.Sc (Jurusan Peternakan, Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Malang)
Prof. Dr. Ir. Soemarno. MS, (Universitas Brawijaya)
Dr. Ir. Harwanto, M.Si, (Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Malang)
Dr. Ferdianto Budi S, SP, MP, (Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Malang)
Siska Aditya,S.Pt, M.Sc, Ph.D., (Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN))
Tian Jihadhan Wankar, S.Pt., M.Sc, P.hD, (Universitas Gadjah Mada)
Ir. Yogi Sidik Prasojo, S.Pt., M.Agr., Ph.D., IPP, (Universitas Gadjah Mada)
Dilla Mareistia Fassah S.Pt., M.Sc, P.hD. (IPB University)
Asmaul khusna S.Pt., MM, (Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi)
Ririn Novita, S.Si.,M.Pd.Si (Universitas Musi Rawas)
Dr. Fitri Dian P, S.Pt, M.Sc, (Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon)
Dr. Restiyana Agustin, S.Pt, M.Sc, (RnD LAZISMU)
Sie Humas dan Publikasi
Didiet Ferdianto
Farah Khairunnisa, A.Md
Sie Perlengkapan dan Transportasi
Iwan Sudarmaji, ST
Sugeng Wahyono, A.Md
Divisi Konsumsi
Masri, SP
Arini Rahmalia
Perancang Sampul dan Tata Letak
Yongki Hartantio, S.Kom
Rahmad Ade Setiawan, A.Md
Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Malang
Jl.dr.cipto 144 a Bedali, Lawang 65200
Malang-Jawa Timur
[email protected]
Seminar in Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Malang (Polbangtan) July 22th, 2023 , with the theme "Building human resources for food sovereignty", aims to improve the quality of human resources as actors in realizing food sovereignty. Efforts to improve the quality and regeneration of agricultural and human resources are insufficient if they are carried out in an informal/non-formal manner.
Polbangtan Malang, one of the Higher Education Institutions within the scope of the Ministry of Agriculture, carries out formal education to support agricultural development. Graduates (Output) are produced with the hope of working in the agricultural sector to encourage farmer regeneration. The declining number of workers in the agricultural sector is caused by the low interest of youth to be involved in the agricultural sector. Most youths switched to the industrial sector, causing a labor crisis in the agricultural sector. Therefore, Polbangtan Malang is the right place to instill and develop an agricultural spirit in today's young generation with the hope that they will become millennial farmers who can become agents of change in agriculture. A social entrepreneur (Sociopreneur) differs from a business entrepreneur because a social entrepreneur makes a profit and invites and changes society for a better life and environment. Polbangtan Malang plays a role in creating agro-sociopreneurs.
This seminar will present speakers from both the bureaucracy, namely from the MENKO PMK as a keynote speaker, and other presenters such as the Dean of Vocational Studies IPB with the theme "The Role of Vocational Education in Creating Agrisociopreneurs." CEO. PT Fenanza Putra with the theme "Young Generation, Livestock Entrepreneurs, and the Key to Food Sovereignty." Director of PT Petrokimia Gresik with the theme "The Role of the Agricultural Industry in Achieving Food Sovereignty."