Dissemination of Making Liquid Smoke Equipment Using Smoke from Burning Corn Cobs

  • Bagas Andiko Putra Polbangtan Malang
  • Dwi Purnomo Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Malang
  • Budi Sawitri Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Malang
Keywords: Corn cobs, knowledge, skills


Corn cob is a very potential organic agricultural waste and one of the biomass
wastes found around the environment. In order to realize sustainable agriculture, efforts
are needed to process the corncob waste efficiently. One promising approach is the
conversion of corncob waste into liquid smoke. Liquid smoke is an organic component
containing various important compounds, used for various purposes such as plantations,
food preservation, and medicine. As a food preservative, liquid smoke has the ability to
inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi, thereby extending the shelf life of food. The
research method used is descriptive method using a questionnaire. Determination of
respondents using purprosive sampling method as many as 24 people. The results
showed that farmers' knowledge increased significantly from a pre-test value of 47.5%
to a post-test value of 82.5%, which indicates a very high category. In addition, the
skills of farmers also reached a score of 99 with a percentage of 82.5%, which is also
classified as very high


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