Disease Identification in Beef Cattle in PT Sedana Peternak Sentosa, Kesamben, Jombang, East Java
Livestock health is one of the important factors in livestock business. Health problems can be caused by two factors, namely infectious factors, including bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and parasites, and non-infectious factors in the form of maintenance and environmental management. Diseases of cattle can interfere with livestock production and reproduction. This study aims to detect diseases in cattle farms and prevention efforts. The research methods used are observation and interviews. The data obtained are analyzed descriptively. Diseases found in cattle farms include pink eye pink eye (5,71%), Lumphy Skin Disease (LSD) (17,14%), Bovine Ephemeral Fever (BEF) (17,14%), diarrhea (14,29%), ectoparasites (22,86%), Cutaneous papilomatosis (5,71%), abscesses (8,57%), and limping of foots (8,57%). Treatment is given to sick cattle. Farm manager need to take disease prevention measures with biosecurity and improved livestock rearing management.