The Analisis Faktor Motivasi terhadap Kinerja Penyuluh Pertanian PNS di Provinsi Riau (Studi Kasus di Kota Dumai dan Kabupaten Siak)
Kinerja Penyuluh Pertanian
This research aims to describe the characteristics, motivation, competence, and self-reliance that can be affect agricultural extention performance in Dumai city and Siak District. The Research locations are intentionally selected (purposive sampling). This research uses survey method. Research sampling is taken by census method to all entire population of Agricultural extension which have working coverage of village or districts, and work in the division of agriculture, plantation, and forestry of Dumai city and the technical implementation unit of Siak District. Fifty six respondents are involved in this research. Both primary and secondary data, as well as qualitative data are collected. Questionnaire was used as the instruments which is contains of questions and statements related to the research variable. Through this research motivation has the highest influence to agricultural extensions performance.