Broiler Broiler Partnership Pattern for Building Cooperation Loyalty of Plasma Core Breeders

  • Onny Nurihayanti SMKN 1 Tulungagung
Keywords: Partnership pattern, loyalty, cooperation


Partnership pattern is a business that connects small-scale farmers with large companies that have different interests to work together with the aim of mutually benefiting both parties (Maryati and Sari, 2018), supported by Government in Law No. 18 of 2009 article 31 paragraphs 1 and 2. The partnership pattern cooperation often creates problems, including management, law, capital and profit sharing. This study carries 2 research focuses, namely 1). Broiler partnership pattern with sub-focus on the reasons farmers choose this business and carrying out partnership business commitments, and 2). Breeder income with partnership pattern. This research is a case study at PT. Semesta Mitra Sejahtera, Tulungagung regency by applying qualitative methods, using survey techniques and collecting data through observation, interviews and documentation. The research found reasons and patterns of commitment for building cooperation loyalty, including capital, management knowledge, timeliness of chick-in and harvest, ease of marketing, good quality facilities, definite income, clear contractual agreement and mutually agreed reward and punishment based on applicable laws and regulations. A good partnership pattern will support the loyalty of cooperation between companies and plasma to support the growth of broiler farms nationally


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