Analisis Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Literasi Keuangan Petani Milenial (Studi Empiris Kecamatan Tutur Pasuruan
This study aims to analyze the factors that affect the financial literacy of millennial farmers in Tutur District, Pasuruan Regency. The importance of financial literacy skills for millennial farmers is closely related to financial management and improving rural economies. This research data obtained from questionnaires, observations and interviews with millennial farmers and agricultural extension workers as primary data. Respondents were selected based on purposive sampling technique as many as 35 farmers. Multiple linear regression analysis techniques were used to analyze the data. In this study, the influence of age, education level, income level and the role of agricultural extension workers on the financial literacy of millennial farmers was analyzed. The results of the analysis showed that age, education level and income level did not affect the financial literacy of farmers. While the role of agricultural extension workers in Tutur district affects the financial literacy of farmers. 64.6 percent in financial literacy can be explained by the variablel age, education level, income level and the role of agricultural extension workers. While other variables that are not discussed in this study can explain 35.4 percent of financial literacy. Assistance by agricultural extension workers both formally and informally, individually or in groups that can continuously change the behavior of millennial farmers, related to the importance of financial literacy. This research is expected to contribute to the development and development of human resources in the agricultural sector, especially in the agricultural economic sector.