The Role of Extension to Increase Productivity Through Balanced Fertilization of Rice Cultivation in Jati Village, Karangan District, Trenggalek Regency
The Role of Extension to Increase Productivity Through Balanced Fertilization of Rice Cultivation in Jati Village, Karangan District, Trenggalek Regency
The agricultural sector is one sector that has a very important role in building the national economy including regional economy. One of district that has a superior commodity rice is Trenggalek Regency, with one of its suppliers, Jati Village, Karangan District. The majority of rice farmers in Jati Village generally still use traditional method in rice cultivation. In addition, farmers have not yet calculated the need for fertilizer, so they are still applying fertilization at a modest rate. This causes the grain production in Jati Village still have suboptimal quality. At this time the request grain in Jati Village is classified as high, so support is needed with efforts to improve quality and grain productivity so that the resulting product has a better quality. One of that can be done is the application of balanced fertilization. To facilitate this, it is necessary to organize extension activities so that information can be conveyed properly to farmers in Jati Village. The data analysis method used in this study is descriptive quantitative on the aspects of knowledge, attitudes, and skills to determine the extent to which farmers' behavior has changed. Through this extension, the results from the aspects of knowledge, attitudes, and skills were 77.4% from the initial condition of 60%. The increase in percentage is expected to help farmers improve the quality of grain production.