Potensi Penggunaan Asam Butirat sebagai Imbuhan Pakan pada Pakan Ayam: Review

The Potential Use of Butyric Acid as Feed Additive in Poultry Feed: A Review

  • Muji Astutik PT. Fenanza Putra Perkasa
  • Fendy Fadillah Akbar
  • Agung Susilo Wahyudi
  • Indri Agustiyani
Keywords: Butyric acid, feed addtitive, poultry, productive performance


Butyric acid is an organic acid naturally produced by digestive microbial fermentation and is beneficial in the rearing of poultry. Butyric acid, which is one of the short chain fatty acids (SCFA), is considered as a potentital alternative antibiotic to promote the growth of poultry. Butyric acid works by lowering the pH on the digestive tract thereby limiting the growth of phatogenic bacteria in the digestive system of poultry. Its role is important in maintaining the health of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) in poultry. A healty GIT in poultry can affect the utilization of feed nutrisits. The villi in the GIT develop properly and maximally with the result that feed nutrisits can be absorbed optimally. Optimal nutrisits absorption of feed has a positive impact on the productive performance of poultry.


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