Comparative Analysis of Rice Farming Income Partners And Non Partners With PT. Maxxi Tani In Wonoanti Village Gandusari District Trenggalek Regency

  • Demas Rengging Prayoga Polbangtan Malang
  • Sutoyo Sutoyo Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Malang
  • Hamyana Hamyana Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Malang
Keywords: income, partners, non-partners, farming


This study aims to determine the pattern of partnerships and comparison of partner and non-partner rice farming income with PT. Maxxi Tani in Wonoanti Village, Gandusari District, Trenggalek Regency. The research was conducted using the interview method using a questionnaire tool from March to June 2023. The research location was determined purposively. The sampling method for partner farmers used the saturated sampling method and for non-partner farmer samples, it was determined using simple random sampling to obtain respondents consisting of 23 partner farmers of PT. Maxxi Tani and 51 non partner farmers. Comparative analysis of income was carried out using the Independent Sample t-test. Research shows the results that the partnership pattern that is run between farmers and PT. Maxxi Tani is an agribusiness operational cooperation (KOA) with an income of Rp. 21,079,593 while for non-partner farmers Rp. 17,453,199. There is a significant difference between the income of partner farmers and non-partner farmers. Income of partner farmers of PT. Maxxi Tani is higher than non-partner t farmers



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