Kualitas Mutu Pada Beberapa Merek Benih Tanaman Sawi (Brassica juncea L.) Di Pasaran

  • Baiti Rahma Universitas Lambung Mangkurat dan BPSBTPH Kalsel
  • Evi Mintowati Kuntorini Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Tri Wuriastuti Universitas Lambung Mangkurat


Green mustard (Brassica juncea L.) is one of the vegetables that has high economic value. Seed quality determines the success of crop production. This study aims to determine the quality of seed quality with samples of branded mustard seeds (SM) and mustard seeds without brands (STM). The method used was to measure the moisture content (KA), seed purity (BM) and germination (DB) of 5 mustard green seed samples on the market. Data were analyzed using Kruskal Wallis test at 5% level followed by BNT further test. SM1, SM2, and SM3 mustard seeds have a percentage of moisture content (KA) below 8%, purity (BM) above 98% and germination power (DB) above 80%, this is in accordance with the quality of the seeds, while the STM1 sample only has a moisture content of 9.0%, not according to quality standards. STM2 seeds only germination power (DB) percentage of 0% is not in accordance with quality standards, these seeds are dead seeds. Based on the results obtained, branded mustard seeds (SM) have good quality and meet seed quality standards, compared to non-branded seeds (STM).


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