Perilaku Petani Dalam Penggunaan Pupuk Organik Pada Tanaman Padi

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Eka Nuari Indarwati
Miftakhul Arifin
Andi Prayoga


Research on farmer behavior in using organic fertilizer on rice plants was carried out in Kalitinggar
Kidul Village, Padamara District, Purbalingga Regency, from October to December 2022 with the aim of
knowing farmer behavior in using organic fertilizer on rice plants. The research was conducted using survey
techniques and qualitative descriptive analysis. The determination of the sample locations was carried out
purposively with the consideration that Kalitinggar Kidul Village is the village with the lowest rice production
in Padamara District, besides that the Kalitinggar Kidul Village area has natural conditions that are very
potential for organic rice cultivation. The sample of farmer groups was carried out purposively with the
consideration that the two member farmer groups had carried out organic rice cultivation and had cattle, both
cows and goats. The population consisted of 128 farmers from two farmer groups, namely the Eko Waluyo
Farmer Group with 78 farmers, and Dwi Waluyo with 50 farmers. The number of respondents as a sample of
33 farmers was determined by proportional random sampling from 2 farmer groups. Data collection techniques
used in this study using questionnaires, interviews and observations. Data were analyzed by descriptive
quantitative. The results showed that 1) the knowledge aspect of farmer behavior in the use of organic fertilizer
in lowland rice plants was included in the ignorant category with an achievement score of 77.61%, 2) the attitude
aspect of farmer behavior in the use of organic fertilizer in lowland rice plants was included in the agree
category with an achievement score of 84.17%, and 3) the skill aspect of farmer behavior in using organic
fertilizer in lowland rice plants was included in the unskilled category with an achievement score of 67.92%.


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