Kombinasi Inulin Umbi Dahlia dan Lactobacillus sp. dalam Ransum Step Down Protein Terhadap Laju Digesta dan Massa Protein Daging Ayam KUB
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Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh pemberian inulin dari umbi dahlia (IUD) dikombinasikan dengan Lactobacillus sp. dalam ransum step down protein terhadap Massa Protein Daging pada ayam KUB. Penelitian disusun dalam rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 160 ekor umur sehari (bobot badan 26.32±1.19 g) yang dibagi dalam 5 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan yaitu 1. P180S: ransum protein 18% + IUD 1,2% dan Lactobacillus sp. 1,2 ml (108 cfu/ml) diberikan sejak umur 1 hari. 2. P15: ransum protein 15% tanpa aditif diberikan mulai umur 8 hari. 3. P18: ransum protein 18% tanpa aditif diberikan mulai umur 8 hari. 4. P15S: ransum P15 + IUD 1,2% dan Lactobacillus sp. 1,2 ml diberikan mulai umur 8 hari. 5. P18S: ransum P18 + IUD 1,2% dan Lactobacillus sp. 1,2 ml diberikan mulai umur 8 hari. Kelompok ayam pada perlakuan 2 sampai 5 diberi ransum dengan protein 21% sampai umur 7 hari. Parameter yang diamati yaitu laju digesta dan Massa Protein Daging. Data dianalisis ragam dan dilanjutkan dengan uji beda kontras ortogonal. Berdasarkan uji kontras ortogonal, ransum dengan protein 18% diberi suplementasi IUD 1,2% dan Lactobacillus sp. 1,2 ml dan diberikan sejak umur 1 hari berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap semua perlakuan. Kesimpulan penelitian bahwa kombinasi IUD 1,2% dan Lactobacillus sp. 1,2 ml pada ransum dengan protein 18% yang diberikan sejak umur 1 hari (P180S) memberikan pengaruh pada laju digesta dan peningkatan massa protein daging ayam KUB.
Kata kunci— inulin umbi dahlia; actobacillus sp.; protein step down; massa protein daging; ayam KUB
The research was aimed to evaluate the inclusion effect of dahlia tubers inulin (DTI) combined with Lactobacillus sp. in dietary protein step down on protein mass of KUB chicken meat. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design using 160 birds one-day-old (body weight was 26.32±1.19 g) divided into 5 treatments and 4 replications. Treatments applied were 1. P180S: 18% protein ration + 1.2% DTI and 1.2 ml (108 CFU/ml) Lactobacillus sp. provided since one-day-old. 2. P15: 15% protein ration without additive from 8-day old. 3. P18: 18% protein ration without additive from 8-day old. 4. P15S: ration P15 + 1.2% DTI and 1.2 ml Lactobacillus sp. offered from 8-day old. 5. P18S: ration P18 + 1.2% DTI and 1.2 ml Lactobacillus sp. provided from 8-day old. The birds allocated in the treatments 2 to 5 were fed a ration with 21% protein until 7-day old. The parameter observed was the rate of digesta and protein mass of KUB chicken meat. Data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and followed by an orthogonal contrast test. Orthogonal contrast test showed that feeding 18% dietary protein fortified with a combination of 1.2% inulin dahlia tuber and 1.2 ml Lactobacillus sp. given since one day old significantly (P<0.05) affected all parameters. In conclusion, feeding 18% dietary protein fortified with a combination of 1.2% inulin dahlia tuber and 1.2 ml Lactobacillus sp. since one-day-old increases the digesta and protein mass rate of KUB chicken meat.
Keywords— dahlia tuber inulin; Lactobacillus sp,; step down protein; protein mass; KUB chicken